Antikriegs-Veteranen: Folge 1

Das Töten unter dem Deckmantel des Krieges ist nichts ande­res als ein Akt des Mordes.” – Albert Einstein

Der Widerstand gegen die unrecht­mä­ßi­gen Kriege der­zeit in Afghanistan, Irak und Libyen wird in den USA zuse­hends grö­ßer. Regen Zulauf bekom­men die Kriegsgegner nun auch in stei­gen­dem Maße von ehe­ma­li­gen Soldaten, wel­che sich über die Gehirnwäsche wäh­rend ihrer Soldatenausbildung, tlw. bestehend aus Rassismus und Hetze, hin­weg­set­zen konn­ten und über die Greuel an den Fronten zu Hause berich­ten. Webseiten wie Iraq Veterans against the War (IVAW) oder hel­fen dem Widerstand sich zu organisieren.
Einige Soldaten ergrei­fen selbst die Initiative und hal­ten öffent­li­che Vorträge z.B. in Schulen, beson­ders in ärme­ren Gegenden gro­ßer Städte, wo die Anwerber des US-Militärs am meis­ten jun­ge Menschen rekru­tie­ren können.


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And I tried hard to be proud of my ser­vice but all I could feel was shame. The racism could not lon­ger mask the rea­li­ty of the occup­a­ti­on. These were peop­le, the­se were human beings.
I’ve sin­ce been clai­med by guilt any­ti­me I see an elder­ly man like the one who could­n’t walk and we rol­led out on a stret­cher and told the Iraqi poli­ce to take him away.
I feel guilt any­ti­me I see a mother with her child­ren like the one who cried hys­te­ri­cal­ly and screa­med that we were worst than Saddam as we for­ced her from her home.
I feel guilt any­ti­me I see a young girl, like the one I grab­bed by the arm, and drag­ged into the street. We are told we are figh­t­ing ter­ro­rists; the real ter­ro­rist was me and the real ter­ro­rism is this occup­a­ti­on. Racism wit­hin the mili­ta­ry has long been an important tool to jus­ti­fy the dest­ruc­tion and occup­a­ti­on of ano­t­her coun­try. It’s long been used to jus­ti­fy the kil­ling, sub­ju­ga­ti­on and tor­tu­re of ano­t­her people.

Racism is a vital wea­pon employ­ed by this government. It’s a more important wea­pon than a rif­le, a tank, a bom­ber or a batt­le­ship. It’s more dest­ruc­ti­ve than an artil­le­ry shell or a bun­ker bus­ter, or a Tomahawk missile.
While tho­se wea­pons are crea­ted and owned by this government, they are harm­less without peop­le wil­ling to use them. Those who send us to war do not have to pull a trig­ger or lob a mor­tar round. They do not have to fight the war, they merely have to sell the war. They need a public who is wil­ling to send their sol­di­ers into harm’s way. They need sol­di­ers who are wil­ling to kill and be kil­led without ques­ti­on. They can spend mil­li­ons on a sin­gle bomb, but that bomb only beco­mes a wea­pon when the ranks in the mili­ta­ry are wil­ling to fol­low orders to use it. They can send every last sol­dier any­whe­re on Earth, but the­re’ll only be a war, if sol­di­ers are wil­ling to fight.
And the ruling class, the bil­lion­aires who pro­fit from human suf­fe­ring care only about expen­ding their wealth, con­trol­ling the world eco­no­my. Understand that their power lies only in their abi­li­ty to con­vin­ce us that war, opp­res­si­on and explo­ita­ti­on is in our inte­rest. They under­stand that their wealth is depen­dent on their abi­li­ty to con­vin­ce the working class to die to con­trol the mar­ket of ano­t­her coun­try. And, con­vin­cing us to kill and die is based on their abi­li­ty to make us think that we are somehow supe­ri­or. Soldiers, sailors, mari­nes, air­men, have not­hing to gain from this occup­a­ti­on. The vast majo­ri­ty of peop­le living in the U.S. have not­hing to gain from this occupation.
In fact, not only do we have not­hing to gain, but we suf­fer more becau­se of it. We lose lim­bs, endu­re trau­ma and give our lives. Our fami­lies have to watch flag dra­ped cof­fins roll into the earth. Millions in this coun­try without health care, jobs or access to edu­ca­ti­on, just watch as this government squan­der over 450 mil­li­on dol­lars a day on this occup­a­ti­on. Poor and working peop­le in this coun­try are sent to kill poor and working peop­le in other coun­try to make the rich richer.
Without racism sol­di­ers would rea­li­ze that they have more in com­mon with the Iraqi peop­le than they do with the bil­lion­aires who send us to war. I threw fami­lies onto the street in Iraq only to come home and find fami­lies thrown onto the street in this coun­try and this tra­gic, tra­gic and unne­cessa­ry fore­clo­sure crisis.

We need to wake up and rea­li­ze that our real enemies are not in some distant land and not peop­le who­se names we don’t know and cul­tures we don’t under­stand. The enemy is peop­le we know very well and peop­le we can iden­ti­fy. The enemy is a sys­tem that wages war when it’s pro­fi­ta­ble. The enemy is the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s pro­fi­ta­ble, is the insuran­ce com­pa­nies who deny us health care when it’s pro­fi­ta­ble, is the banks who take away our homes when it’s pro­fi­ta­ble. Our enemy is not five thousands miles away, they are right here at home.
If we orga­ni­ze and fight with our sis­ters and bro­thers we can stop this war, we can stop this government and we can crea­te a bet­ter world. If tyran­ny and opp­res­si­on come to this land, it will be in the gui­se of figh­t­ing a for­eign enemy… The loss of Liberty at home is to be char­ged to the pro­vi­si­ons against dan­ger real or ima­gi­ned from abroad…” – Mike Prysner


Unsere wirk­li­chen Feinde sind nicht die­je­ni­gen, die in einem fer­nen Land leben, deren Namen oder Politik wir nicht verstehen;
Der wirk­li­che Feind ist ein System, das Krieg führt, wenn es pro­fi­ta­bel ist,

die CEOs, die uns von unse­ren Arbeitsplätzen ent­las­sen, wenn es pro­fi­ta­bel ist,
die Versicherungen, die uns den Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen ver­wei­gern, wenn es pro­fi­ta­bel ist,
die Banken, die uns unse­re Heime rau­ben, wenn es pro­fi­ta­bel ist.

Unsere Feinde sind nicht meh­re­re tau­send Kilometer ent­fernt. Sie sind hier direkt vor unse­rer Tür.
Mike Prysner

Hut ab vor den Veteranen, die ihren Mut zusam­men neh­men, um über die Ungerechtigkeiten der Kriege zu spre­chen. Sie haben kei­ne Angst davor von geblen­de­ten Landsleuten, Freunden und Angehörigen als „Verräter”, „Weicheier” oder gar „Terroristen” bezeich­net zu wer­den, sie haben kei­ne Angst vor den mög­li­chen Konsequenzen die ihnen von Vater Staat dro­hen könn­ten und sie haben kei­ne Angst davor ihre eige­nen Taten und zeit­wei­li­ge Unterstützung der orga­ni­sier­ten Tötungsmaschinerie bloß­zu­stel­len und mora­lisch dafür gera­de zu stehen.
Dafür, dass sie für den Frieden, die Wahrheit und für die Aufklärung noch unbe­schol­te­ner jun­ger Männer und Frauen (poten­zi­el­les Kanonenfutter in den Augen eini­ger weni­ger von Macht Besessener) ein­tre­ten, ver­die­nen sol­che Aktivisten noch viel zu wenig Respekt und Aufmerksamkeit!


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