Jarvis Cocker – Running the World

Jarvis Branson Cocker ist ein bri­ti­scher Musiker. Bekannt wur­de er als Frontmann der Band Pulp. Am 2006 ver­öf­fent­lich­te Jarvis Cocker sein ers­tes Soloalbum, wel­ches schlicht „Jarvis“ heißt. Die ers­te Singleauskopplung war „Running the World“.

Wie man aus die­sem Song-Text her­aus­le­sen kann steht er dem der­zei­ti­gem System sowie den abseh­ba­ren Entwicklungen sehr kri­tisch, oder bes­ser gesagt, mit offe­nen Augen gegenüber.




Well did you hear, there’s a natu­ral order
Those most deser­ving will end up with the most
That the cream can­not help but always rise up to the top
Well I say, „Shit floats”

If you thought things had changed
Friend, you’d bet­ter think again
Bluntly put, in the fewest of words:
Cunts are still run­ning the world (x2)

Now the working clas­ses are obsolete
They are sur­plus to society’s needs
So let ’em all kill each other
And get a maid overseas.
That’s the word, don’t you know
From the guys that’s run­ning the show
Let’s be per­fect­ly clear boys and girls,
Cunts are still run­ning the world (x2)

Oh feed your child­ren on cray­fi­sh and lobs­ter tails,
Find a school near the top of the league
In theo­ry I respect your right to exist
I will kill you if you move in next to me
Ah, it stinks, it sucks, it’s anthro­po­lo­gi­cal­ly unjust
Oh, but the takings are up by a third, oh so
Cunts are still run­ning the world (x2)

The free mar­ket is per­fect­ly natural
Do you think that I’m some kind of dummy?
It’s the ide­al way to order the world
„Fuck the morals, does it make any money?”
And if you don’t like it, then leave
Or use your right to pro­test on the street.
Yeah use your right, but don’t ima­gi­ne that it’s heard
Cunts are still run­ning the world (x6)

Webseite: jarviscocker.net

Download: hier oder Jarvis Cocker - Running the World


Weiterführende Artikel:



  • http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarvis_Cocker


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